Prevention and Prenatal Care Can Lower the Risk of Birth Defects

About three percent of babies born in the United States each year are affected by birth defects. Birth defects, also called congenital defects or malformations, may be mild or severe, and can have a profound effect on the child and the family.

Care Providers Can Bridge the Gap

Access to prenatal care has been shown to have a sizable impact on fetal health. Health care providers can perform tests during pregnancy to assess the health of the fetus and screen for potential birth defects. They can also ask questions to help see if the pregnant person has been exposed through work or location factors to harmful chemicals or pesticides that could cause birth defects. For example, farm workers and workers in semiconductor factories have been found to have higher rates of birth defects because of exposure to chemicals before or during pregnancy.

Health care providers will also help plan adequate nutrition and connect women who can’t afford high-quality food and prenatal vitamins with services. Health care providers can perform diagnostic tests to assess the risks for and diagnose some birth defects to help potential parents make informed decisions and plans for their children.

But many prospective parents don’t have adequate access to prenatal care to help prevent birth defects. They also may not have received the vaccinations necessary to prevent pregnancy complications. These factors can create a disparity in birth outcomes between socioeconomic and ethnic groups and lead to higher rates of birth defects in groups who are less likely to receive conscientious health care and to be able to afford high-cost procedures and devices.

Causes and Types of Birth Defects

Although some birth defects are genetic and may not be easily prevented, other birth defects are caused by exposure to dangerous chemicals, lack of adequate nutrition, and exposure to infectious diseases before and during pregnancy. Some birth defects may be caused by a combination of factors, such as a genetic factor that increases sensitivity to an environmental hazard. Still other defects can be caused by lifestyle choices, such as drug use or smoking, and parental medical conditions, including diabetes or obesity. About 30% of the causes of birth defects are known, but the remaining 70% are of unknown or indistinct origin.

Birth defects may be visible or invisible. For example, limb abnormalities, Down syndrome, neural tube defects, and cleft palates are usually visible at birth or soon after. However, defects in internal organs or visual or hearing deficits may not be easily determined at birth. Many birth defects may lead to higher risk of death. In fact, worldwide, nearly 240,000 Infants die each year within 28 days of birth. Birth defects contribute to another 170,000 deaths of children ages 1-5 each year. In the United States, birth defects are estimated to be the cause of 20% of infant deaths.

Birth defects may also lead to lifelong disability, causing emotional distress and financial hardship for their families. Surgeries and medications may be able to cure some birth defects or provide relief from the symptoms, but other birth defects victims may need medical aides and expensive devices to ensure they can lead a full life.

Opioids Prescribed to Pregnant Women Tied to Birth Defects

With over 27 million Americans using an illicit or prescription opioid on a routine basis, it’s quite clear that opioid use impacts many facets of our society. The epidemic kills an average of 70,000 people per year – and the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, in fact, worsens widespread drug use. But many of those it doesn’t kill live out their lives with complications. Recently, sales of opioid pain relievers in the United States have surged. The populations most affected by this are pregnant women and their infants.

Impact on Children Exposed to Opioids During Pregnancy 

While the impact of opioid use during pregnancy continues to be a subject of ongoing debate, solid evidence suggests that perinatal opioid exposure can cause adverse behavioral, cognitive, or developmental outcomes. In a recent study published in Pediatrics, the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. Stephen Patrick and his co-authors easily conclude that prescribing opioids to pregnant women is quite common. They also found this practice strongly associated with neonatal complications or possible birth defects. With opioid use during pregnancy typically resulting from prescriptions for pain management, it’s often the case that doctors or medical professions fail to consider all options before prescribing such a drug. Many around the country, including states, cities, counties and even hospitals question the manufacturers of such drugs. Because of the numerous distressing legacies left by the opioid epidemic, many of the ongoing lawsuits filed against drug companies reference infants born with complications.

Birth Defects Caused by Opioid Use During Pregnancy

Ever since this issue came into public discourse over a decade ago, several scientific reports have found that maternal opioid treatment early in pregnancy is associated with certain types of birth defects in infants, including:

  • Congenital heart defects
  • Hydrocephaly
  • Spina Bifida
  • Glaucoma

Additionally, cognitive and developmental delays are also closely associated with opioids like codeine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone taken either before becoming pregnant and during the early trimester of pregnancy. Researchers like Cheryl S. Broussard urge that women and their physicians consider these risks before making treatment decisions during pregnancy. It’s possible that strengthening existing lax prescription rules and regulations could help decrease the risks that pregnant women prescribed opioids face.

Paradise Lost: The Secret Pesticide Danger Looming in Hawai‘i

Pesticides sprayed on genetically modified corn are potentially having a dangerous effect on residents of Hawai‘i. So, why aren’t questions being answered?

A storm has been brewing over the last three years in reference to something quite tiny: corn kernels. On one side, companies claim that the plant is a cash crop across Hawai‘i. On the other hand, doctors say that the corn, genetically modified to resist pesticides, is leading to birth defects, and illnesses. It truly isn’t the corn that is at issue.  It is the pesticides that are sprayed on the GMO (genetically modified organisms) corn and the severe birth defects and illnesses to which they possibly lead.

How do Pesticides Contaminate?

According to a detailed study conducted by the Center for Food Safety, in Kauai alone, chemical companies Dow, BASF, Syngenta, and DuPont spray 17 times more restricted-use insecticides per acre than on ordinary cornfields in the US mainland.  About 90% of industrial GMO corn grown in the US was originally developed in Hawai‘i, with the island of Kauai hosting the biggest area.

When the spraying takes place and the wind is blowing simultaneously, this is how the town becomes contaminated. This phenomenon, known as pesticide drift, is the movement of pesticide dust or droplets through the air at the time of application or soon after, to any site other than the intended area. Kauai residents who live, work, and play close to the fields complain of their eyes and lungs hurting along with dizziness and nausea.

Pediatrician, Carla Nelson, has reported that there have been at least nine infants born with severe heart malformations requiring complex surgery within the last five years. This is more than 10 times the national rate, according to analysis by local doctors.

How People Work to Stop Pesticide Contamination

Growing concern over pesticides and their health impact on residents led to multiple attempts to force companies to disclose in advance what they spray and to create buffer zones. While former Hawai‘i senate majority leader, Gary Hooser, was previously rebuffed in his requests, he continued to do research and found that companies, unlike regular farmers, were being treated differently. The state asked for a federal exemption for the companies so they could avoid modern standards of compliance. The chemical companies that grow the corn on land Hawai‘i previously used for sugar refuse to disclose with any precision which chemicals they use, where and in what amounts, but they insist the pesticides are safe, and most state and local politicians concur.

This culture of non-disclosure has created an increased desire for information on the possible connection between these pesticides and birth defects. In response, the Joint Fact-Finding Study Group on Genetically Modified Crops and Pesticides on Kauai, composed of doctors and scientists, and a professional facilitator was appointed to “determine if there are human harms coming from these pesticides.”

The possible link between pesticides sprayed on GMO plants and birth defects along with other illnesses continues to be an ongoing issue for the people of Hawai‘i with more questions than answers and passionate beliefs on both sides.

Media Manipulation Comes Out During Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit

Between growing concern over the safety of glyphosate and allegations of media manipulation, who should the public trust when it comes to understanding the dangers of using Roundup herbicide? As confidential documents were uncovered during discovery in Monsanto Roundup lawsuits, the herbicide maker and its parent company, Bayer, were accused of manipulating the media to portray their corporation in a more favorable light. The deception by Monsanto about Roundup herbicide is worrisome, because while they promote stories that highlight the benefits and safety of the product, one of Monsanto’s own scientists said he would be concerned if someone wanted to test Roundup herbicide.

Bayer is facing over 13,000 Monsanto Roundup lawsuits filed by cancer victims, alleging the weed killer caused their illness. The main ingredient in Roundup herbicide is glyphosate, which has been linked to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Media Manipulation During Monsanto Roundup Lawsuit  

While Monsanto Roundup lawsuits have the company in the spotlight, internal documents were released suggesting manipulation not only of scientists and regulators but also the media. One woman falsely identified herself as a freelance reporter for BBC while attending one of the Monsanto Roundup cancer trials in San Francisco. The woman spent time with other journalists who were there to cover the proceedings, feeding them storylines that favored the agrochemical giant. The woman was actually a “reputation management” consultant for FTI Consulting, who represents Monsanto. An attorney for some of the plaintiffs suing Monsanto refers to the company’s plan to persuade public opinion as their “dark money project.” He suggests this involves planting helpful news stories in popular news outlets, discrediting journalists who speak against Monsanto, and secretly funding front groups to bolster Monsanto support on social media platforms.

Monsanto Kept Watch Lists on Pesticide Friends and Foes 

Examples of willful deception continue to crop up after Bayer “watch lists” surfaced. The lists consisted of pro or anti-pesticide figures, including journalists, politicians, and certain interest groups. Bayer admitted that their PR agency, FleishmanHillard, compiled the list of stakeholders and figures on behalf of Monsanto. While the company waits to investigate and gather more information, Bayer claimed they plan to suspend the agency’s PR work but continue marketing projects.

How We Help Pesticide Victims

Seek justice with the help of our experienced attorneys. Our Dallas, Texas pesticide law firm has battled corporate giants on behalf of individuals like you for 20 years, aggressively fighting to hold companies responsible for dangerous chemicals and the cancers and personal injuries they cause. If you have suffered catastrophic injury caused by Monsanto’s Roundup or other harmful chemicals, we can help.

Remembering Cesar Chavez and his Wrath of Grapes Speech

Cesar Chavez captured the public eye in the late 1960s. Born in Arizona at the beginning of the Great Depression, Chavez and his family moved to California after losing their farm when he was 10 years old. The Chavez family got by as seasonal migrant farm workers witnessing firsthand the injustices of life in the agricultural business, or “agribusiness‚Äù as Chavez called it. Combining a strict philosophy of non-violence and a strong work ethic, Chavez organized his fellow farm workers and took a stand against the agribusiness industry and its abusive practices. Poor working conditions and unlivable wages would no longer be tolerated.

In 1968, with the support of his United Farm Workers (UFW), Cesar Chavez led a very successful national boycott of California’s grape growing industry. In 1970, the grape growers began bending to the will of the farm workers. And in 1975, the farm workers’ power was confirmed when the California Agricultural Labor Relations Act was passed, giving farm workers the right to unionize.

Despite the early victories for farm workers’ rights, increased use of toxic chemicals meant to control pests on commercial farms continued to be a major health hazard for farm workers and their families. In 1986, Cesar Chavez kicked off his “Wrath of Grapes‚Äù campaign. Traveling around the country, he delivered a powerful speech that once again shed light on the plight of the farm worker. Specifically he drew attention to the use of dangerous pesticides and how pesticide drift and lingering pesticide residue was poisoning farm workers and their children. ¬†In his speech, Chavez states that he and the other farm workers “. . . were the first to recognize the serious health hazards of agriculture pesticides to both consumers and ourselves.‚Äù These health hazards include birth defects to children born to mothers and fathers who were exposed to these pesticides while working in the fields.

Tragically, Cesar Chavez passed away at the age of 66 before his Wrath of Grapes movement against dangerous pesticides could gain the traction that his earlier movement had achieved. While the movement may have slowed, Chavez’s message of justice for farm workers lives on.

In his famous Wrath of Grapes boycott speech, Cesar Chavez said that the battle against the use of harmful pesticides “is a battle that none of us can afford to lose because it is a fight for the future of America. It is a fight we can win and it is a fight that everyone can join.‚Äù The attorneys at Waters Kraus & Paul have joined in this fight, and are committed to winning it. They fight using the same characteristics that made Cesar Chavez’s campaign for workers’ rights so successful ‚Äìrelying on nonviolence by utilizing the legal system to demand the justice that families injured by pesticides deserve. This is done with a tireless work ethic that shows in the firm’s track record of successful litigation. Waters Kraus & Paul believes in holding farm owners and corporations responsible for the harm that has befallen the families of farm workers as a result of pesticide exposure caused by dangerous working conditions. The firm believes that in doing so we can change the safety standards in the agricultural industry for the better.

Cesar Chavez’s movement was not only a struggle for a goal, but also a struggle for a cause. The birth defect attorneys at Waters Kraus & Paul make it their goal to litigate for compensation for the families of each injured child that they represent. They also fight for the cause of freedom for farm workers and their families from the unjust health hazards and injuries caused by pesticides in the fields.

Families shouldn’t have to be put through the financial and emotional struggle that comes with birth defects, especially when these birth defects can be prevented by their employers. There have been many studies conducted on the chemicals used in pesticides that have been found to be toxic to humans, some of these include:

  • Captan – a proven cancer causing and birth defect producing agent. (Fungicide)
  • Glyphosate ‚Äì a chemical found in Roundup¬Æ has been found to damage cell DNA in embryos.
  • Goal, Honcho & Pro 90 ‚Äì pesticides with confirmed links to birth defects and childhood cancer.

If you find yourself working near these pesticides or chemicals in the fields, make sure you and your employer are taking the correct precautions to protect yourself and future family members.

Unfortunately, the fight for these basic rights and safety regulations is far from over, as companies continue to put money over the well being of their employees. Prenatal exposure to toxic chemicals is something that should and can be avoided. Unless farm workers are properly protected, the chemicals in pesticides can be carried through mother or father leading to pesticide induced birth defects.

Groundskeeper Awarded $289M Roundup Cancer Verdict

In a groundbreaking trial, a Northern California jury unanimously agrees Monsanto Roundup pesticide was a contributing cause of Bay Area school groundskeeper’s incurable cancer. The award was later reduced to $78 million.

CALIFORNIA –– A San Francisco jury has awarded DeWayne Lee Johnson $289 million finding Monsanto liable for contributing to Mr. Johnson’s terminal cancer. Mr. Johnson contracted non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma after regularly using the company’s popular Roundup herbicide and a similar product, Ranger Pro.

Update: The judge later slashed the punitive damages portion of the award, reducing the total award to $78 million.

Mr. Johnson was exposed to Monsanto’s Roundup and Ranger Pro weed killers as a school groundskeeper in the San Francisco Bay Area. He routinely sprayed the school district’s properties with large quantities of the herbicides from a 50-gallon tank attached to a truck. During wind gusts, the weed killer would blowback, covering Mr. Johnson’s face. On one occasion, the hose broke completely dousing Mr. Johnson’s body with Roundup. Two years later, he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

According to court documents, lesions cover as much as 80% of Mr. Johnson’s body. On his bad days, Mr. Johnson is too weak to even speak. His doctors were not sure he would live long enough to see his day in court. So far, Mr. Johnson has beaten the odds, but his prognosis is bleak.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer, an arm of the World Health Organization, has classified Roundup’s main active ingredient, glyphosate, as a “probable human carcinogen.” The State of California has also added glyphosate to its list of chemicals known to cause cancer. However, a judge temporarily stopped the state from requiring that Monsanto add a cancer warning label on its products sold in California.

Roundup is the most popular herbicide used in the world. It is commonly sprayed on residential properties and used by commercial growers on agriculture crops and fields. According to the California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Roundup is the state’s most widely used herbicide. People who work in commercial agriculture or industrial farming are at high risk for exposure to pesticides and herbicides like Roundup.

Mr. Johnson, who is 46-years-old and married with two sons, is the first to take a case to trial against Monsanto alleging that Roundup causes cancer.

After deliberating for three days, the jury unanimously agreed that Roundup contributed to Mr. Johnson’s lymphoma. On August 10, 2018, in a precedent-setting verdict, the jury awarded Mr. Johnson $289 million. This amount includes $39 million for compensatory damages and $250 million for punitive damages. The jury found that Monsanto hid the risks from consumers. The jury also said that Monsanto should have provided a label warning of the potential health hazard.

Update: Monsanto fought back, asking the judge to overrule the whole jury award for punitive damages. Instead, Judge Suzanne Bolanos substantially reduced the punitive damages award from $250 million down to $39 million. Judge Bolanos said she would not order a new trial if Mr. Johnson accepts the reduction.

On October 26, 2018, Mr. Johnson agreed to the judge’s terms. Through his attorney, he informed the court that he accepts the reduction in punitive damages in order “to avoid the further burden of a new trial or appeal.” Mr. Johnson’s total award is now $78 million.

Monsanto has denied links between its pesticides and cancer for decades and maintains its product is safe. Before the reduced award was granted, the agribusiness giant said it planned to appeal. Monsanto faces many more lawsuits from potentially thousands of people who have been harmed by Roundup.

Waters Kraus & Paul
Waters Kraus & Paul is a mid-sized plaintiffs’ law firm that fights for families who have been harmed by toxic chemical exposures. We represent parents who have worked in the commercial agriculture and growing industry and who are raising a special needs child. If you have a child with birth defects and you have been exposed to pesticides or other chemicals while on the job, email or call 866.295.4518 to see how we can help you.

Why Isn’t This Life-Threatening Pesticide Banned on Farms?

Parents who work as farmhands or pickers are often in nearby fields when pesticides like Roundup are sprayed. Farmworkers sometimes even eat fruits that have recently been sprayed. But there is a toxin in many pesticides, called glyphosate, that is linked by two international health organizations to cancer and childhood birth defects including missing or deformed limbs, and many other health issues.

Big money convinces farm-owners and the EPA to approve of harmful pesticides

So why are farm-owners not often worried about exposing their farm workers to these toxic chemicals? Because big dollar corporate ads from giant companies like Monsanto, who make lots of money from the pesticides and special seeds, say that Roundup or similar pesticides are safe. They’ve even used powerful agricultural lobbyists to convince the US government watchdog, the EPA, to greatly increase the legal residue limits for glyphosate on produce sold at stores over the last few years alone. Then, pesticide companies point to these EPA regulations, which they helped create, to support their false claims regarding product safety. Because these company-produced messages are so powerful, homes and farms in America are using more Roundup and similar harmful products than ever, 100,000 lbs annually. But they’ve also become more relaxed about using proper protections to keep from being exposed.

However, both the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the World Health Organization say the products are anything but safe. In fact, while years of testing strongly suggest that glyphosate was likely to cause cancer, more recent tests show that the toxic chemical might actually be more dangerous than scientists first thought. Several tests found glyphosate in the blood of people who use Roundup for their home garden only 30 minutes after they used it. If it has such a quick effect in low household usage, think of how many times unprotected people who work on big farms would find it in their blood?

Sadly, history is repeating itself. Just like the tobacco industry said cigarettes were safe, and corporations said exposure to asbestos was not a problem, now the pesticide companies falsely say that there is simply “not enough information” to claim that their products are dangerous to people’s health. Scientists and parents are trying to lift the silence by voicing their concerns. They want to stop the steady growth in childhood birth defects and other health risks.

Have you been exposed to a harmful pesticide at work?

Nearly every non-industry funded study has found that glyphosate causes cancer, neurological defects, childhood birth defects, and countless other harmful outcomes. If you are a farmworker whose child might have been harmed by pesticide exposure, please contact us. Waters Kraus & Paul offers an experienced team of caring lawyers who will do everything they can to hold farms and corporations responsible. Please click here for more information. Or contact us by phone at 800-226-9880.

New Study Links Prenatal Opioid Use and Birth Defects

A new study finds a causal link between prescribed opioid treatment during pregnancy and birth defects in newborns.

Researchers found a link between opioid painkillers use just before or during pregnancy and birth defects in a growing fetus.

Birth Defects and Opioids

Two to three percent of participating mothers in the CDC study reported treatment with opioid painkillers just before or during early pregnancy. The reasons for treatment included surgical procedures, infections, chronic diseases, injuries, and other reasons. Researchers found opioid treatment in these periods was associated with several defects including congenital heart disease, which are contributors to infant health and death rates. In addition, treatment with opioid pain relievers was linked to:

  • Spina bifida (a type of neural tube defect)
  • Hydrocephaly (buildup of fluid in the brain)
  • Glaucoma (an eye defect)
  • Gastroschisis (a defect of the abdominal wall)

Deceptive Marketing Practices and Opioids

Drug manufacturers tried to convince doctors and regulators that opioids were safe for effective for long-term use while ignoring the dangerous side effects such as addiction, overdose, and even death. They did this with misleading articles and advertisements that downplay the dangerous side effects of opioids. Likewise, drugmakers often use respected “thought leaders” who encourage overprescribing and drug benefits.

Hawaiʻi Residents Suffer Life-Threatening Effects of Pesticides

Two Kihei, Maui children suffered life-threatening birth defects due to pesticide exposure in utero, alleges a recent lawsuit.

Chemical and agricultural giant Monsanto excessively sprayed harmful restricted pesticides on corn fields just yards downwind from their families’ homes. The suit claims the company did so knowing the toxic chemicals would be carried by the wind into the residential neighborhood and absorbed by the families that lived there.

Did you suffer as a result of chemical exposure?

Our team wants to help.

The Toxic Consequences of Pesticides 

As a result, Dana Fulton, now 28, was born with her throat not connected to her stomach. Countless surgeries corrected some of the problem, but to this day, she still requires a tracheostomy tube in her neck to breathe.

Seventeen-year-old Max Coleman was born missing tubes that supported proper kidney function. While surgery addressed some of the problem, he still suffers from hydronephrosis, or the swelling of his kidneys, and has severe asthma and ADHD.

Dangerous Corporate Practices

“Monsanto was very well aware that there was a residential neighborhood immediately downwind, very well aware that the trade winds would carry these pesticides into the neighborhood,” says Ilana Waxman, who represents the Coleman and Fulton families in the case, expressing her assertion that Monsanto should be held accountable for their negligent use of restricted pesticides.

Other Hawai‘i Families Exposed to Pesticides

The victims’ families, both residents of Kihei, Maui, lived adjacent to Monsanto’s Mokulele Field, where the pesticides were sprayed. However, similar fields can be found on Maui and Kauai, where innocent families could also have been exposed.  The chemicals contained in these pesticides used by Monsanto cause cancer, lead to birth defects and adversely affect human health. Not surprisingly, they’ve been banned in many countries.

Protecting Your Family  

Our team stands up to big companies that put profits ahead of your safety. If you’ve suffered catastrophic injury because of exposure to toxic chemicals, we can help.

KHON2: Birth Defects Blamed on Monsanto Chemicals in Lawsuit

Two Maui families with children born with rare illnesses are suing Monsanto and its parent company Bayer. They claim the company knowingly sprayed harmful chemicals that caused their conditions.

Dana Fulton sat looking at photos of herself after one of the surgeries she had as a baby. She was born with esophageal atresia/tracheoesophageal fistula. Today, Fulton is 28-years-old and needs a tracheostomy tube to breath.

Seventeen-year-old Max Coleman had hydronephrosis, or the swelling of his kidneys. He also has severe asthma and ADHD according to his mother Lory Marques.

Both the Coleman and Fulton families lived fewer than 500 yards from Monsanto’s Mokulele Field in Kihei, Maui.

They filed a lawsuit Thursday, claiming the hazardous chemicals Monsanto sprayed on the fields caused their illnesses. They want Monsanto to take responsibility.

Ilana Waxman is an attorney representing them in the case. Waxman said the chemicals were highly toxic and were sprayed at a rate 17 times higher than most fields.

“Monsanto in spraying these large amounts of restricted use pesticide on these fields was very well aware that there was a residential neighborhood immediately downwind, very well aware that the trade winds would carry these pesticides into the neighborhood,” Waxman said.

Read the full article here.