The Department of Defense Gets Serious About Mesothelioma

Since the 1990s, the U.S. Department of Defense has worked to promote research for diseases related to military service.  As part of this mission, the Department of Defense recently expanded its support for research involving mesothelioma, the rare and deadly cancer caused by exposure to asbestos.  In 2009 alone, the Department of Defense has awarded several million dollars for mesothelioma research projects.

U.S. Veterans at Risk of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure.  From World War II through most of the Cold War years, asbestos was used on virtually all U.S. Navy ships.  As a result, U.S. Navy Veterans represent a large percentage of those living with mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis.  Retired civilian shipyard workers are also at risk of these asbestos diseases because they were exposed to asbestos during routine overhaul and maintenance of Navy ships and submarines.

Mesothelioma Funding is Essential

Although there are many clinical trials that seek to develop better treatments and ultimately find a cure for mesothelioma, there is still much to learn.  Fortunately, the Department of Defense realizes the importance of mesothelioma research, and has taken some serious steps to provide new sources of funding.  This gives new hope for those living with mesothelioma and for those researchers and clinicians who work tirelessly to combat this terrible disease.  Through this type of research, scientists and doctors continue to build their knowledge about this disease and make advances in their fight against mesothelioma.  It is through these efforts that we will extend life expectancy and ultimately find a cure for this devastating disease.

Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman Supports Mesothelioma Research

For over 30 years, the Galiher law firm has represented veterans who contracted mesothelioma as a result of their military service. Attorney Ilana Waxman, managing partner of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman, applauded the Department of Defense’s funding of mesothelioma research, commenting:  “It is essential that we properly fund research that aims to cure mesothelioma.  We must continue to bring national attention and awareness to this disease.  For too long, I have seen what this disease has done to victims and their families.  It is not a problem that should be ignored or treated lightly.  Our law firm is actively working with both our state representatives and our U.S. Senators seeking new sources of funding for mesothelioma research and treatments.  These efforts by the Department of Defense are a welcome contribution to this fight.”

Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman is committed to supporting research to help find a cure for mesothelioma.  For over three decades, we have helped many mesothelioma clients and their families obtain compensation for this asbestos-related disease, and we know its devastating nature.  Through our legal work we collaborate with world-renowned researchers in the mesothelioma field, and we are encouraged by their efforts to develop new treatments and to ultimately find a cure for this terrible disease.