Genomics – International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) and Genentech Search for a Cure for Mesothelioma

DNA double helix
DNA double helix

In 1953, two British researchers, James D. Watson and Francis Crick, won the race to a Nobel Prize by unlocking the structure of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).  Watson and Crick discovered the double-helix, made up of two inter-connected, spiral staircase-like structures.  This watershed event has allowed scientists to make huge strides in human genetic research.  It is the opinion of the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts that understanding genetic sequencing and mutations may hold the key to curing malignant mesothelioma.

DNA is found in chromosomes which are in every single cell in the human body, including cancer cells.  Four nucleotides in DNA are arranged to form genes.  Genes control cell proteins that send signals to the cell to perform various tasks in cell growth.  For example, the proteins will signal cells to stop growing or to die when appropriate, a process known as apoptosis.  However, in cancer cells, genetic mutations can cause proteins to improperly signal cells to continue to divide and grow, when they should have stopped.

Genomics is the study of genes and their function.  Understanding genes and the proteins that signal cells to perform their functions is one of the keys to understanding human disease.  Researchers at the IMP feel that the disease malignant mesothelioma, which is resistant to treatment, can be cured if the genetic mutations of the malignant cells can be understood.

Genomes for Lung Cancer and Melanoma Mapped

After months of work, researchers in England successfully mapped the genomes for two deadly malignancies – lung cancer and melanoma.  The results of this study were published in the well-respected scientific journal Nature in 2009 by the Cancer Genome Project at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.  If the genomes for an individual patient’s tumor can be mapped, this could lead to individualized treatment, because everyone’s cancer contains different genetic mutations.  Unfortunately, the cost to do genome mapping is still prohibitively expensive to do on an individual basis.

Genentech and IMP Map Genomes from Malignant Mesothelioma

The IMP is working with the biotechnology company Genentech, Inc. to map the genomes of cells taken from patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.  Genentech,  purchased in 2009 by pharmaceutical giant the Roche Group, provides the genomic technology for this research.

According to Gavin Gordon, Ph.D. of the IMP, the genomic mapping includes not only mutated cells, but also the normal cells found in all cancers.  These normal cells are essential to providing the nutrients and blood supply to the tumor which allow it to grow.   In an interview with attorneys of the Galiher law firm, Dr. Gavin said that the cost of doing genomic mapping for malignant mesothelioma cells has gone from around $2.5 million to approximately $250,000.  These costs would still prevent many mesothelioma patients from having their disease genome mapped, but as costs continue to decrease and more information is obtained, the IMP gets closer to finding a cure for malignant mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Tumor Bank and Patient Registry at IMP Advance Research

Malignant mesothelioma is a rare disease in the general population.  About one person per million contracts this aggressive cancer, which is caused by exposure to asbestos products.  By way of comparison, about 215,000 people were diagnosed with lung cancer in 2009 versus about 3,000 who were diagnosed with mesothelioma.  As a result, the ability for research scientists to rapidly gather data about the disease is limited by the number of patients seen by the researcher’s facility.  Fortunately, the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston has helped to solve this problem and advance research in this area because of its extensive tumor bank and patient registry.

International Mesothelioma Program Shares Tissue Samples to Advance Research

The International Mesothelioma Program, under the leadership of Dr. David Sugarbaker, sees approximately 300 mesothelioma patients for consultation each year.  Last year, over 160 of these patients also underwent surgery.  The IMP maintains a patient data registry as well as a tumor bank of all patients who are seen at Brigham and Women’s Hospital for mesothelioma treatment.  Because the International Mesothelioma Program works collaboratively with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, mesothelioma patients treated at any of these facilities become part of this important patient data registry.  If surgery is performed, their pathology material is preserved in the International Mesothelioma Program’s tumor bank as well.

There is significant research underway at the International Mesothelioma Program using the tissue samples and the data from the patient registry.  However, the IMP also recognizes the importance of advancing  mesothelioma research in other hospitals and cancer institutes.  Accordingly, the IMP readily shares the information in the patient data registry and the tissue samples from the mesothelioma tumor bank with researchers at other cancer centers to advance the study of the development of mesothelioma and how to treat this disease.

One such researcher is Dr. V. Courtney Broaddus, a professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco.  Dr. Broaddus is studying the role played by other cells such as immune cells around the mesothelioma cells.  She studies macrophages to understand the role they play in assisting the mesothelioma tumor’s growth.  To do this research, the IMP sends tumor tissue to Dr. Broaddus via Federal Express from tumors that are resected from patients.  After the overnight flight from Boston to San Francisco, the tumor cells are still alive when they arrive.  Dr. Broaddus commented that this just shows how tough and hardy these mesothelioma cells are.  She grows these cells in vitro to observe the growth of the macrophages.  Growing these cell lines also enables her to test various treatments on mesothelioma cells.

Research Comparing Surgical Results Based On Patient Age

Although the International Mesothelioma Program was officially formed in 2002,  a patient data registry has been maintained for many years because patients have been treated at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital for mesothelioma since the 1980s.  The database has 400 fields, so all kinds of information has been captured and recorded for 2,000 patients.

One example of the type of research that has been conducted involves a study done by Dr. Andrea Wolfe of the IMP and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.  Dr. Wolfe compared the outcomes for mesothelioma patients having either an extrapleural pneumonectomy or a pleurectomy with decortication and were 65 years old and older.  She found that older patients fared less well immediately after the extrapleural pneumonectomy, but in terms of longer term outcomes of those who survived the surgery, both surgeries produced similar results.  She was able to do this research retrospectively looking back at 227 patients who were in the patient data registry.

Attorneys Recognize Valuable Resource for Mesothelioma Research

Attorney Richard DeRobertis, who has successfully represented hundreds of mesothelioma clients, remarked that the IMP’s patient data registry and tumor bank are, “an incredibly valuable resource for scientists so they can do cutting edge research that will eventually lead to a cure for this devastating disease.”   While DeRobertis and his law firm Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman have been able to obtain fair compensation for their mesothelioma clients and their families, the untold suffering caused by mesothelioma can only be addressed by medical research being done by Dr. Sugarbaker, the IMP and other scientists.

New Detection Test For Lung Cancer In Development

Lung cancer, like asbestosis and mesothelioma, can be caused by exposure to asbestos.  Many who suffer from lung cancer and mesothelioma have to undergo invasive procedures when being diagnosed.  However, new procedures are being developed to test for lung cancer and may help trigger the development of similar tests for other cancers.

Promising New Lung Cancer Detection Test

Steven Dubinett, M.D., is the senior author of a study presented at the American Association for Cancer Research – International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer’s (AACR-IASLC) joint conference in California that may change current diagnostic procedures.

Dr. Dubinett is the director of the Lung Cancer Research Program at the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).  He stated that approximately one in every 500 x-rays shows a lung nodule of “indeterminate significance.”  When that occurs, a physician will order a biopsy or insert a scope into the lungs for further review.  However, Dr. Dubinett says that new research has discovered and assembled 40 biomarkers made up of proteins that can be used to detect lung cancer.  A biomarker or biological marker, is a substance in the blood that can be detected and measured with blood tests.  In this case, the biomarkers being tested are the proteins believed to contribute to lung cancer, or the proteins that change when cancer exists.

Status Of New Detection Test

The new procedure, however, is still in the developmental stages.  It will likely take years before it is clinically available.  If successful, the tests will also likely be able to detect lung cancer in early stages.  As with many other illnesses, early detection can help raise survival rates significantly.

Through clinical trials and research, clinicians and researchers will continue to gain a better understanding of how cancer develops, and new procedures will continue to be developed to help provide better care for those who suffer from these diseases.

We Support Research To Find Better Detection And Treatment For Cancer Patients

Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman is committed to supporting research to help find a cure and better treatment for lung cancer, mesothelioma and asbestosis.  For over 30 years, our law firm has helped our clients and their families obtain compensation for asbestos-related diseases.  We know a diagnosis like lung cancer can be devastating, and we know from our clients how uncomfortable and stressful diagnostic and treatment procedures can be.

Through our legal work, we collaborate with cancer researchers and institutions, and we are very encouraged by their efforts to develop new detection methods and treatments, and to eventually find a cure for these terrible diseases.

Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin) – Mesothelioma Treatment When Pemetrexed (Alimta) and Cisplatin Stop Working

Treatment of malignant mesothelioma has been extremely difficult.  Not only is malignant mesothelioma resistant to most forms of chemotherapy drugs, but even when the mesothelioma tumor responds to the standard protocol of treatment with Alimta (Pemetrexed) and Cisplatin, the malignant mesothelioma eventually becomes resistant to these drugs as well.  It is not known whether the malignant mesothelioma cells mutate to become resistant or whether there are portions of the mesothelioma tumor that were resistant to begin with, which then proliferate once the non-resistant tumor cells are killed by the Pemetrexed and Cisplatin combination.

  Oxaliplatin 2D

In the search for a cure for malignant mesothelioma, researchers are looking at various other chemotherapy drugs that might be used as a secondary treatment protocol to follow the first-line treatment with Pemetrexed and Cisplatin.  One such drug that is being considered is Oxaliplatin, which goes by the trade name Eloxatin.  Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin) was first developed by Dr. Yoshinori Kidani at Nagoya City University in 1976.  Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin) is an alkylating agent that works by causing damage to the DNA of cancer cells.  Other alkylating agents that are used in the treatment of malignant mesothelioma are Carboplatin and Cisplatin.

Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin) and Gemcitabine Tested as a Second-Line Treatment of Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma in a Clinical Trial

On December 18, 2008,  the Journal of Occupational Medicine & Toxicology, published the article entitled Gemcitabine Combined with Oxaliplatin in Pretreated Patients with Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: An Observational Study.  This paper was based on a clinical trial of 29 patients who were diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma and had been previously treated with Cisplatin and Pemetrexed.  These patients were given a combination of Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin as a second-line treatment for their malignant pleural mesothelioma.  It was found that when at least three cycles of Gemcitabine and Oxaliplatin were given to these patients in this clinical trial, 6.9% obtained partial remission and another 37.9% achieved stable disease.  This amounted to a malignant pleural mesothelioma control rate of 44.8%.  Just as important, the patients tolerated the treatment well with no significant toxicities or side effects reported in any of the patients.  This drug combination provides great hope and promise in mesothelioma treatment.

New Clinical Trial Using Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin) and Bortezomib (Velcade) in Patients with Malignant Pleural Or Peritoneal Mesothelioma

Columbia University opened a new clinical trial that began recruiting patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma or peritoneal mesothelioma in October 2009 that will use Bortezomib (Velcade) and Oxaliplatin (Eloxatin) for treatment.  To be included in this clinical trial, patients must have received only one prior form of chemotherapy.  Patients who received a combination of Pemetrexed plus Cisplatin or Pemetrexed plus Carboplatin will qualify for this clinical trial.

Recent Survey Leads to Greater Focus on Pain Management for Cancer Victims

In a recent survey, the American Pain Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting research for effective pain management, found that a majority of cancer patients experience severe pain even when using pain medications.  As a result, the American Pain Foundation has turned its attention to raising awareness and research into what is known as “breakthrough cancer pain,” which is the sudden and unexpected flare-up of severe pain that can occur even if the patient is on pain relief medication.

The American Pain Foundation’s goal is to improve the quality of life for those in pain by providing information, raising awareness, and promoting research to increase effective pain management.  Breakthrough cancer pain can wake cancer patients from their sleep and affect their ability to do certain activities including routine everyday activities.  Many have also reported that breakthrough pain has raised their daily medical expenses and caused increased visits to the doctor.

In response to the results of its recent survey, the American Pain Foundation will feature papers on the topic in their quarterly news letter.  The organization will also host a web-based seminar, provide tips on pain management, have a roundtable discussion with leading medical experts, and have a dedicated online chat.

Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman Is Committed To Better Care For Cancer Patients

For over 30 years, Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman has represented clients with mesothelioma, lung cancer, asbestosis, and other illnesses that result from asbestos exposure.  We have worked with the families of our clients during difficult times, and as a result of our experience, we are very aware of the emotional, financial and physical impact of these diseases.   We have collaborated with world-renowned researchers, scientists and medical experts.  We have seen the evolution of cancer care over the years, and we are very encouraged by the progress we have made.

We are told by many of our clients’ families that the hardest part is seeing their loved one in pain.  Thankfully, further research continues in clinical trials, laboratories, and hospitals, and the focus on treatment continues to broaden into new areas that aim to provide patients with better comprehensive care.  The research by the American Pain Foundation is one important step toward helping patients better tolerate their medical treatments, thereby improving their quality of life.

Role of Asbestos in the Development of Mesothelioma Studied by IMP Research Team

The fact that asbestos exposure can cause malignant mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases is well established.  However, despite years of research, the actual mechanisms by which asbestos fibers cause disease on a cellular level remain unclear.  The International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) research team at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston continues to investigate the role of asbestos in the development of mesothelioma.  They hope these studies will improve mesothelioma patient treatment and recovery leading to the ultimate goal of finding a cure for this deadly tumor.

Focusing on Asbestos Fibers

Researchers such as John Godleski, M.D. at the International Mesothelioma Program want to answer three basic questions about asbestos in the body and its relationship to mesothelioma.  They want to know what kinds of asbestos fiber are present, how much is there and where those fibers are located.  Using various scientific equipment and innovative techniques including confocal microscopy, chemiluminescence on in vivo or live tissue, and scanning electron microscopy, they are able to answer some of these questions.

Confocal microscopy captures images that are cross-sections of tissue samples.  These two-dimensional slices can be combined to create a three-dimensional volume or model which helps researchers visualize the precise locations of the asbestos fibers in the tissue.  Knowing where the asbestos fibers are located is key to understanding the mechanism of translocation, which is the way asbestos fibers deposited in the lungs are transported to the pleura or lining in the lungs and abdomen.

The amount of reactive oxygenation species or ROS present in a tissue sample can be measured using in vivo chemiluminescence techniques.  High levels of ROS can damage DNA and may be linked to the development of cancers such as mesothelioma.  The IMP research team uses chemiluminescence to determine the timing and location of this important process.

Lastly, when asbestos fibers are identified accurately, the amount of asbestos fibers or fiber burden can be estimated with electron microscopes.  The type of fiber may be compared with the patient’s asbestos exposure history to correlate certain fiber types with the development of mesothelioma.

Possible Implications for Mesothelioma Treatment and Prognosis

One approach to prevent the development of mesothelioma is to try to block, disrupt or alter the process of translocation of asbestos fibers from the lungs to the pleura.  As noted earlier, in vivo chemiluminescence can identify susceptible regions like the lymphatic system involved in the translocation process.  This information could be used to slow down the movement or allow removal of the fibers before they are able to develop mesothelioma in the pleura.

The IMP investigators observed that pleural malignant mesothelioma patients with lower asbestos burdens have a higher survival rate than those patients with the highest burdens.  They discovered an association between asbestos fiber burden and degree of tumor suppressor gene silencing.  Higher asbestos burden corresponded to an increase in epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor genes in mesothelioma.  This may explain why patients with lower asbestos fiber burden are predicted to have better clinical outcomes.

Need for Asbestos Research Remains

The use of asbestos through the 1980s and later in the United States and long latency means that mesothelioma will affect a significant number of exposed individuals for the foreseeable future.  Ilana Waxman, managing partner of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman, a law firm that has represented mesothelioma patients for more than 30 years, agrees with the International Mesothelioma Program researchers that “additional studies of the role of asbestos in the development of mesothelioma are necessary and will help improve treatment and prognosis of this deadly cancer.”

Understanding the Stages of Mesothelioma at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Because mesothelioma is a relatively rare form of cancer, it is often difficult to diagnose and treat.  Fortunately, researchers all over the country are working hard to improve our understanding of the disease in order to develop better treatments, and ultimately a cure for this terrible disease.

At the Mesothelioma Program at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, a team of multidisciplinary scientists and physicians have made significant strides in developing more accurate methods of surgical staging for malignant pleural mesothelioma.  “Staging” is the medical term for the process of determining the extent to which a tumor has spread through the body.

Proper Staging of Mesothelioma Essential to Treatment

M. D. Anderson’s team of more than 30 physicians have worked together to develop an innovative surgical staging process that helps them properly assess and describe the extent of the disease.  This is crucially important, because mesothelioma must be properly staged before a patient begins treatment in order to provide the most effective therapy.  For example, surgical procedures such as extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) are can be very effective for a patient in the early stages, but are generally not recommended for patients in the later stages.

Initially, staging is usually done through radiographic imaging, such as a CT scan, an MRI, and/or a PET scan.  Doctors may also use serum mesothelin blood tests to measure certain proteins that are secreted by mesothelioma tumors.  These tests may also be confirmed by biopsy or thoracentesis.

Surgical Staging Also Required Before Surgery

However, these methods are not entirely accurate.  As a result, all patients who undergo surgery at M. D. Anderson also undergo a thorough surgical staging to ensure the mesothelioma has not spread to the lymph glands or abdomen.  This is done through a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure, usually on an outpatient basis.

According to Dr. Anne Tsao, Director of the Mesothelioma Program, this surgical staging is crucially important to make sure that the patient is a viable candidate for surgery.  Dr. Tsao explained that, “the reason why it’s so hard to treat is often times people have more extensive disease than what we initially realize from the radiographic imaging.  So here at M. D. Anderson before we make the patient undergo a very large surgical procedure, we have to do a smaller surgery that stages the patient to be sure that they’re a correct candidate for that surgery.”

Attorneys Recognize Important Strides Toward Improved Treatment

Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman has a 30 year history of representing clients with mesothelioma.  Our attorneys and staff have seen firsthand the devastating effect of this disease on patients and their families.  Attorney Richard DeRobertis says, “We salute the physicians and researchers at M. D. Anderson who are making important strides toward improving the treatments for mesothelioma and giving patients real hope for a cure.”

10th International Conference of the International Mesothelioma Interest Group Held In Kyoto, Japan

The International Mesothelioma Interest Group (iMig) is an organization composed of  health professionals and researchers who have an interest in malignant mesothelioma.  From August 31, 2010 to September 3, 2010 iMig held its 10th International Conference at the Kyoto International Conference Center in Kyoto, Japan.  The conference was hosted by Hyogo College of Medicine, with Dr. Takashi Nagano serving as the conference chair.  There were 14 educational lectures and over 30 keynote lectures by doctors and researchers from around the world who specialize in mesothelioma.  Membership in iMig was not required to attend the conference, although certain workshops were not open for everyone’s participation.

Some of the Educational and Keynote Lectures

Dr. David Sugarbaker, thoracic surgeon at the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, lectured on Extra Pleural Pneumonectomy (EPP) and Intraoperative Heated Chemotherapy.  His brother, Dr. Paul Sugarbaker, who is the director of Surgical Oncology at the Washington Cancer Institute in Washington, D.C., spoke on his specialty, Peritoneal Mesothelioma.  Another noteworthy United States surgeon, Dr. Harvey Pass, who is chief of Thoracic Surgery and Thoracic Oncology of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, New York University School of Medicine and Comprehensive Cancer Center, presented a lecture entitled Surgical Approach; Thoracoscopy and Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (VATS).

International speakers included Dr. Luciano Mutti of Italy who lectured on New Pathways and Molecular Targeted Therapy.  Dr. Mutti has published papers on malignant mesothelioma with Dr. Giovanni Gaudino, a researcher at the Cancer Research Center of Hawai‘i (CRCH).  Dr. Takeharu Yamanaka of Japan presented a lecture on Biostatistics for Mesothelioma Clinical Trials.  Dr. Christopher Lee from Canada lectured on Maintenance Therapy; Transitioning From 1st-Line Cisplatin Plus Pemetrexed Treatment in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM).

There were a number of other international lecturers who spoke on topics that ranged from the early detection to molecular oncogenesis to the most current treatment options of malignant mesothelioma.

2010 Asbestos Conference on Laboratory Issues

On January 28-29, 2010, the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Committee D22 on Air Quality sponsored the Michael E. Beard Asbestos Conference 2010:  Laboratory Issues.  This year’s conference, held in San Antonio, Texas was named in honor of Michael E. Beard (1940-2008) who served as Chair of ASTM International Subcommittee on Sampling and Analysis of Asbestos for many years.  This committee is responsible for developing methods for monitoring asbestos  in different materials and has hosted six conferences on these issues at Johnson State College and the University of Vermont, beginning in 1986.  Mr. Beard was a long-time supporter and organizer of the ASTM International Johnson Conferences on asbestos.

Presentations at this conference focused on asbestos issues as they relate to people working in laboratories, users of analytical data, as well as those who interpret the results of laboratory investigations.  The conference showcased some of the most recent investigations and included discussions of new ideas and interpretation of the data.

Conference Highlights

The conference agenda highlighted four areas of interest for scientists and laboratories studying asbestos exposure, including:

1.    Analysis of soil and other media

2.    Quality assurance, training, and inter-laboratory studies

3.    Definitions of asbestos, cleavage fragments and NOA (naturally occurring asbestos) considerations

4.    Issues of laboratory interactions with NVLAP (National

Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program), assessors and government agencies

These issues are relevant not only to people diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis and the medical teams treating them, but to commercial interests and government regulators too.  Researchers from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH), and New York State Department of Health were among the scheduled speakers.

Test for Detecting Asbestos in Vermiculite

A presentation on a possible new method for detecting asbestos in Vermiculite attic insulation could help homeowners who may have this material in their houses.  This asbestos-containing product was mined at W.R. Grace’s mines in Libby, Montana and distributed nationally.  Another presentation explains a technique to distinguish sepiolite from chrysotile used in industrial gasket materials.  Lastly, there was a presentation on a new ASTM draft method for fibers in floor tiles.

Three Presentations by James Millette, Ph.D.

One of the symposium’s co-chairs, James Millette, Ph.D., made three presentations.  The first topic covered the analysis of soil and other media, the second was an overview of a method to analyze talc for asbestos, and the third discussed the practical aspects of cleavage fragment and asbestos determination.  The law firm of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman has worked with Dr. Millette and many other distinguished experts to investigate claims of people injured by exposure to asbestos and asbestos-containing products

Dr. David Sugarbaker Shares Mesothelioma Treatment Strategies with Doctors and Lawyers

Dr. David Sugarbaker, the founder and director of the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP), exudes confidence and optimism as he talks about his state-of-the-art treatment for mesothelioma patients.  His attitude and his team’s groundbreaking work in the treatment of malignant mesothelioma have changed the outlook and lives of many patients.  Last year Dr. Sugarbaker and his team at the IMP operated on more than 160 patients, yet Dr. Sugarbaker still takes the time to share his surgical techniques with both lawyers and doctors.

Sharing With Lawyers

Last November Dr Sugarbaker was in Miami at the “Asbestos Medicine” conference sponsored by the Defense Research Institute sharing his enthusiasm and latest surgical techniques with over 1200 lawyers.  Dr. Sugarbaker is the Chief of Thoracic Surgery at Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston and the Director of the IMP.  At this asbestos medicine seminar, he talked about the history of the IMP with attorneys from Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman, which has represented hundreds of mesothelioma families for over 30 years.

According to Dr. Sugarbaker, the project began in 2002 to deal with the ever increasing number of mesothelioma cases occurring worldwide.  It is designed to function at three levels.  First and foremost, the IMP provides patient care and treatment.  Hand in hand with that comes support for patients and their families.  Last but far from least, the IMP focuses on mesothelioma research that will ultimately lead to a cure for this devastating disease.

Although there presently is no cure for mesothelioma, the vision of the IMP is to provide state-of-the-art treatments that extend the lives of mesothelioma patients.  As Dr. Sugarbaker told our attorneys, “The purpose of the IMP can be summed up in seven words: ‘Quality life extension leading to a cure.’”

During his presentation, Dr Sugarbaker used graphic slides to illustrate his cutting edge surgical techniques designed to extend the quality of the patient’s life.  Since 1988 when Dr. Sugarbaker established a Thoracic Division at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, the surgical treatment options for mesothelioma have improved and expanded.  Today Dr. Sugarbaker’s multimodality approach offers patient’s a better chance for prolonged survival.  Dr. Sugarbaker’s technique includes surgery in which he removes either the diseased pleura or the lung and the pleural.  After the surgery, Dr. Sugarbaker injects heated chemotherapy solutions directly in to the chest.  Research has shown that this increases the effectiveness of the chemotherapy drugs.  This solution kills the residual tumor at the surgical margins and any malignant cells that may have been shed during the surgery.  For many patients, this surgical procedure has lead to a longer life.

Presentation for Doctors at International Conference

Dr. Sugarbaker is also spreading his word internationally.  He will be making a presentation in Kyoto, Japan in August about the surgical techniques at a conference sponsored by the Intentional Mesothelioma Interest Group.  This presentation will include a description of an extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) operation that is followed by intra-operative heated chemotherapy.

Dr. Sugarbaker will explain how he has assembled at the International Mesothelioma Program as impressive team of health professionals, including surgeons, oncologists, epidemiologists, pathologists, statisticians, and clinicians, all focused on finding the best treatments and ultimately a cure for mesothelioma.

Spreading the Word Even Further

After hearing about Dr. Sugarbaker’s groundbreaking surgical techniques, Attorney Ilana Waxman, managing partner of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman, is anxious to spread the word about the treatment options offered by Dr. Sugarbaker to his clients who suffer from mesothelioma and the doctors who treat them.  In Waxman’s words, “Dr. Sugarbaker offers a degree of optimism to the families who face the devastating effects of this disease.  I wish these treatment options had been available to all of the mesothelioma patients we have represented over the past 30 years.”

Dr. Sugarbaker’s dedication to his work is obvious and his optimism is infectious. It was all reflected in his parting words, “One thing I can guarantee any patient who sees me is hope.”