Time Ticks as Claim Window Nears Closing in Libby, Montana
Time is running out as the statute of limitations winds down for victims of asbestos related illnesses. The three year statute of limitations allowing possible recovery for those who developed asbestos-related diseases as a result of living and...
Johnson & Johnson Memorandum Suggests Dangers in Baby Powder
Johnson & Johnson demonstrates lack of transparency and consistency in its communication with the public. One question in one memo has become a proverbial Pandora’s box for Johnson & Johnson. The memorandum in question addressed the issue of...
The Scientific Connection Between Pesticides & Birth Defects
People are taking sides in the debate focusing on connection between pesticides and birth defects. The question of whether pregnant women who live and/or work around high levels of pesticide use, particularly on Kauai’s Westside, should be concerned...
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The Hawai‘ian Problem with Increased Pesticides and Pregnancy
Study shows direct connection between pesticide exposure and risks beyond poor pregnancy outcomes. According to a recent study, women who ate more fruits and vegetables containing high amounts of pesticide residue were less likely to get pregnant or...
The DIY Phenomenon with the Potential to Kill
There’s more than meets the eye to home renovations that lead to unintentional asbestos exposure. You work. You spend years saving. You’re finally able to move into a home of your own. One unsuspecting afternoon there’s a fire...
New Agreement Yields New Regs for Weed Killer Dicamba
An end-goal of damage reduction leads the EPA and three major biotech firms to agree to stricter regulations for a popular herbicide, but is it enough? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reached an agreement with agricultural and...
Pineapple, Water, and Pesticides–Not the Most Ideal Cocktail
History shows a chemical once used in Hawai‘ian pineapple fields has been seeping into Maui water wells. Pineapple, the fruit that many say wears a crown, has a lasting legacy that may not appear as beautiful as its...
Asbestos Ban Can Eliminate Confusion and Danger
A proactive approach to banning and eliminating asbestos on ships prevents exposure and unnecessary illness and death. Lack of uniformity can often lead to confusion, but when it involves a dangerous carcinogen such as asbestos, the likelihood of...
We Can Help
We provide free initial consultations. If you believe you or a loved one has a claim or a potential lawsuit, we are willing to meet with you to evaluate your claim with no obligation on your part. To learn more about your legal rights and options, please contact us to receive a free initial consultation.