Navy Veterans Face Higher Risk of Mesothelioma

Navy veterans have been exposed to cancer-causing asbestos fibers at levels higher than other branches of the military, according to new research.

According to a study of British and Australian veterans published in Scientific Reports, naval personnel have been exposed to higher levels of asbestos because of the time they spent on ships and submarines, particularly for service members who worked in engine rooms, where maintenance procedures involved disturbance of asbestos on pipework, turbines, boilers and other machinery. As a result, sailors suffer high rates of asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer, even when other lifestyle factors are controlled.


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“Naval veterans have elevated rates of mesothelioma, not found in the other armed services, and attribution to onboard exposure to asbestos is non-contentious,” the report states. “They also have excess rates of lung cancer which are not fully explained by any differences in smoking prevalence. The occurrence of mesothelioma is comparable to levels in occupational groups with the highest reported incidence or mortality from mesothelioma.”

In Hawai’i, the military’s legacy of toxic exposure is amplified for service members and civilians who worked in Pearl Harbor shipyards, where asbestos was widely used to manufacture naval vessels and heavy equipment. Tens of thousands of Hawai’i residents worked on military bases throughout the 20th century — a time when the dangers of asbestos were known, yet workers were provided with no warnings or protective equipment.

The Dangers of Asbestos

Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that is resistant to fire, electricity, heat, and chemicals. It has been widely used in the construction, shipbuilding, automotive, and textile industries, among others.

The fibers are not visible to the naked eye and can easily be inhaled by workers making products that contain asbestos or working in conditions that cause the release of asbestos fibers. Once the fibers are in the body, they can penetrate other areas of the body.

Inhalation of asbestos fibers has been linked to lung diseases and various cancers. Asbestos is the only known cause of the highly deadly cancer mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer of the tissues surrounding the lungs and other internal organs, and it typically takes years to manifest after asbestos fibers work their way through the body.

Asbestos and Cancer as a Result of Naval Service

Several previous studies have shown the increased incidence of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related lung cancers (ARLC) among Navy veterans. The new study in Scientific Reports found similar results, even when lifestyle factors like smoking were considered.

Anyone who served in the Navy who is concerned that they might have been exposed to asbestos should speak with their doctor, quit smoking, and be aware of any these common symptoms of mesothelioma and ARLC:

  • Persistent cough
  • Chest pain
  • Chest tightness or breathing difficulties
  • Unexplained lumps in your chest or abdomen
  • Persistent nausea
  • Unexpected weight loss

These aren’t the only symptoms of mesothelioma and asbestos-related health problems, so a doctor visit will be the best tool in deciding whether you are at risk.

How We Help Victims of Asbestos Exposure in Hawai‘i

Seek justice with the help of our experienced Hawai‘i asbestos attorneys. Our mesothelioma law firm has represented Hawai‘i residents like you affected by asbestos exposure for over 40 years, aggressively fighting the corporate giants responsible for their dangerous products. If you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos or suffered from a disease caused by asbestos, like mesothelioma, we can help.

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