Asbestos Used in Thousand of Products
Asbestos has been in use for centuries. Historically, asbestos was used in such products as ceramics, armor and funeral products. Asbestos was popular within construction and manufacturing industries due to its resistance to heat.
By the twentieth century, asbestos was found in literally thousands of products. Asbestos was used in nearly every industry, including by the US military. Asbestos was commonly used for residential and commercial construction and in manufacturing plants. It was also used extensively in the construction, repair and maintenance of ships and vessels. Asbestos-containing products were found at major job and work sites, including steel mills, factories, power plants, shipyards, foundries, and oil refineries.
Asbestos Was Required for Proper Functioning of Equipment
Principal uses of asbestos included fireproofing, thermal insulation, construction material, sealants, electrical insulation, friction products, paints and coatings. The asbestos fiber content in these products varied widely from less than 1% to 100%. Most products included a combination of asbestos fibers and other materials. These materials included cement, magnesia, rubber, plastics, and asphalt.
Asbestos became increasingly important because certain products or equipment required asbestos to function. For example, equipment found aboard ships and vessels and within factories required asbestos. This equipment included generators, turbines, boilers, distillers, and an array of pipes and auxiliary equipment.
Common Types of Asbestos Products
Thermal Insulation or Lagging
Gaskets and Packing
Electrical Equipment
Construction and Building Industry
Asbestos Cement Products
Plastics and Resins
Paints, Mastics and Coatings
Friction Products
Paper and Wood Products
Household Appliances
Protective Equipment
Home and Gardening