Our Focus on Mesothelioma

Representing Mesothelioma Families for Over 35 Years

For over 35 years, the Galiher law firm has focused on mesothelioma cases. In 1978, our founder, Gary Galiher, filed one of the very first mesothelioma cases in the country. He and his attorneys researched all of the legal and medical issues and began working with mesothelioma specialists around the country. We investigated the ways in which workers and others were exposed to asbestos, and began to develop our own data base of asbestos jobsites and products. This effort helped to uncover evidence that showed how the companies had hidden the dangers of asbestos, causing this epidemic of disease.

In the Forefront of the Asbestos Litigation

The Galiher law firm was in the forefront of the asbestos litigation as we fought to recover from asbestos companies who refused to recognize their responsibility for causing this devastating disease. When the asbestos companies refused to settle our first case, the Galiher law firm took these companies to trial and won a victory for our clients. The companies appealed that victory, but we won the case on appeal.

Since 1978, Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman has successfully represented hundreds of mesothelioma families. It would be hard to find a law firm that brings more experience, knowledge, and resources to mesothelioma cases than Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman. The firm has helped clients with mesothelioma in over 40 states and from several foreign countries. We stand ready to serve you and your family.

Because of our years of experience representing mesothelioma families, we have acquired extensive and unique information that enables us to successfully represent mesothelioma families.

Our Medical Library

To effectively represent mesothelioma victims, it is essential to understand the complex medical issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of mesothelioma. Over the past 35 years, we have worked with leading doctors around the country who specialize in mesothelioma and other asbestos diseases. We have read and compiled an extensive library of medical texts, articles, journals, and books concerning mesothelioma – from its causes to diagnostic techniques to treatment protocols and clinical trials. Attending conferences around the country keeps us abreast of the latest medical advances, and the most prominent doctors and researchers in the field.

As a result, we have an extensive medial library that we use to prepare our cases as we work with our clients, their treating doctors, medical specialists and others. We have a registered nurse, Cynthia Davis, who has worked with the firm for more than 25 years. She assists in the evaluation of the medical and legal issues. There is no paralegal in the country who has Cynthia’s depth of knowledge and experience in the mesothelioma medical field.

Our Database of Job Sites and Asbestos Products

In representing mesothelioma families, it is essential to identify all of their sources of asbestos exposure. This is especially important because different asbestos products were manufactured by separate companies. Therefore, it is important to identify all sources of exposure, so all of the companies who bear responsibility for our clients’ mesothelioma are brought into the case. If any companies are overlooked, a clients’ recovery would be less.

Because of the long time period that elapses before mesothelioma results, clients often do not initially recall where and when they were exposed to asbestos. Because we have represented clients exposed to asbestos at hundreds of difference job sites around the country, we know the types of asbestos products used at various job sites. We understand how people were exposed to asbestos. Our unique database helps us work with you to identify the companies at fault in your case.

We know a great deal about the asbestos content of thousands of products and how this asbestos was released. Our database includes photographs, trade magazines, product advertisements, product brochures, specifications, samples, and videotapes related to the use of asbestos products. As we prepare your case, we will also work with industrial hygienists who will explain how the asbestos dust became airborne and how you inhaled it.

Our Archive of Navy Records

Hundreds of our clients were exposed to asbestos on Navy ships and submarines. In representing these veterans and shipyard workers, we have researched hundreds of vessels to identify the specific asbestos products used in the construction, overhaul, maintenance, and repair of each of our clients’ ships. We research and collect documents from the National Archives, the Washington Navy Yard Library, regional archives, and in the private collections of Navy veterans.

As a result, we have our own unique library of historical ship-related documents showing the use of asbestos on Navy ships. We are proud to have this valuable resource at our disposal to effectively represent Navy veterans and shipyard workers in asbestos cases.

Our Collection of Company Documents

We also have hundreds of thousands of documents related to the conduct of the asbestos manufacturers, and their failure to warn workers and others about the hazards of asbestos. As asbestos litigation was beginning in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Galiher law firm was one of the first to take the depositions of asbestos company witnesses. Gary Galiher and his attorneys traveled around the country to uncover what these companies knew about the dangers of asbestos. Wey felt that the conduct of the manufacturers in concealing the hazards of asbestos was criminal, and we resolved to continue pursuing these cases on behalf of people who were harmed. As a result of the Galiher law firm’s 35 years of hard work, our firm now has one of the largest collections of company documents.

Unparalleled Experience, Knowledge, and Resources

Because of our focus on mesothelioma cases, we have the depth of knowledge and experience to effectively help you and your family. Please contact us more to discuss your case and learn more about how we can help.

We have a national reputation. Our firm has made its mark on the national scene through the asbestos litigation and the state attorney generals lawsuits against the tobacco industry. Our firm has worked with premier plaintiff firms from around the United States on asbestos and mesothelioma cases for over 35 years.

We Are Successful For Our Clients

We have negotiated substantial settlements for our clients and obtained significant verdicts at trial. We have also been successful when our verdicts have been appealed. While representing our clients, we uncovered a massive fraud by one of the defendants in the asbestos litigation. As a result, we ultimately helped negotiate a nationwide settlement of $400 million with The Travelers’ Insurance Companies for thousands of asbestos claimants.

We Understand Your Emotional and Financial Stress

Just as importantly, we understand your emotional stress and will help you find support that you need. We are aware of the financial pressures you are facing and will help you with these economic challenges by identifying your potential sources of financial support. We will work tirelessly on your case to obtain the most favorable financial result possible for you and your family.

The widow of one of our clients wrote to us recently about the settlement of her husband’s case. Debbie K. wrote:

The settlement was beyond expectations, even when your long-standing reputation is considered…It is the professionalism and expertise delivered with so much consideration and kindness that I truly appreciate and respect…I will always be grateful for the time and care everyone put into our case and the peace of mind it provided my husband when he needed it the most.

We Are Resourceful and Aggressive

We are a resourceful law firm that has a reputation for aggressively pursuing personal injury actions against some of the largest businesses in America that have placed corporate earnings ahead of the health and safety of the consumer. Unlike the many law firms that look for quick settlements, the Galiher firm gets full compensation for its clients by staying involved, being prepared and ready for trial with top-flight plaintiff firms in each and every case we undertake.

The Galiher law firm has tried over 50 jury trials to verdict in asbestos litigation. Our two most recent verdicts were awards of $5.3 million and $9.8 million to our clients.

No Recovery, No Fee

If there is no recovery in your case, you will not owe us any fee.