Asbestos has been widely used in the construction of buildings in Hawai‘i for generations. According to the Hawai‘i State Department of Health, most residential buildings in Hawaii contain some asbestos, which can be found in ceilings, walls, insulation and flooring.
While these materials pose little risk when a building is kept in good condition, they become hazardous when asbestos is disturbed. Storms, high winds and natural disasters can cause minute fibers to break away and create a risk to human health.
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Hawai‘i is subject to extreme weather events like hurricanes and wildfires. Asbestos-containing materials can be stirred up during the event itself, during clean-up activities or during the demolition or renovation of homes and buildings that suffered damage.
About Natural Disasters in Hawai’i
Hawai‘i is prone to a range of natural disasters, including:
- Wildfires: The August 2023 Maui wildfires that destroyed the town of Lahaina spread rapidly because of dry, windy conditions and improper management of invasive vegetation.
- Hurricanes: The state usually experiences four or five tropical cyclones every year; there have been years when this number has been even higher.
- Tsunamis: A Tsunami is a series of waves that can cause extreme flooding when earthquakes and volcanoes displace large amounts of water. Tsunami warnings occur practically every year in Hawai’i.
- Floods: No matter where you’re located in Hawai’i, you likely live in a flood zone. Homes throughout the state have flood designations.
- Earthquakes: Hawai’i residents are at greater risk for earthquakes than those in other states, with thousands reported every year.
What are the Health Risks of Asbestos Exposure?
When asbestos is disturbed, microscopic fibers are released into the environment. Airborne fibers pose a danger to human health, as the fibers can enter the respiratory system, accumulating over time and causing scarring and inflammation. This can impact breathing and lead to severe health problems.
Asbestos is classified as a known human carcinogen by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Asbestos exposure has been linked with:
- Asbestosis, a chronic lung condition in which the lung tissue becomes permanently scarred and damaged
- Lung cancer
- Mesothelioma, a deadly form cancer of the lining of the lungs and the abdominal cavity
There is no known safe level of asbestos exposure, and even low levels can cause potentially serious health problems.
What Steps Should Residents Take After a Natural Disaster?
After a natural disaster, there are a number of steps you can take to minimize exposure to asbestos:
- Do not approach damaged buildings unless they have been deemed safe by local authorities.
- Be careful and use appropriate safety gear, including gloves, work shoes, eye protection and appropriate respirators if handling building materials or debris.
- Consult local environmental health and solid waste management authorities for information about asbestos-containing materials and the proper handling and disposal of those materials.
- If cleanup activities on your property are required, follow these steps to minimize potential exposure to asbestos:
- Only disturb materials that must be removed and try to avoid any excess breakage.
- Wet down any material that may contain asbestos to minimize the release of dust into the air.
- If demolition is required, notify appropriate state or local building authority before beginning.
How We Help Victims of Asbestos Exposure in Hawaii
Seek justice with the help of our experienced Hawaii asbestos attorneys. Our mesothelioma law firm has represented Hawaii residents like you affected by asbestos exposure for over 40 years, aggressively fighting the corporate giants responsible for their dangerous products. If you or a loved one were exposed to asbestos or suffered from a disease caused by asbestos, like mesothelioma, we can help.