Our nation’s capital is the center of government, but it has never been a major center of industry. Washington D.C. has relatively few factories or industrial plants where asbestos was used. As a result, levels of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma in Washington D.C. are relatively low.
One major source of asbestos exposure in Washington D.C. was in the construction industry. For most of the twentieth century, asbestos was one of the most common ingredients of many building materials, and was used in many government buildings. In addition to asbestos insulation and pipe-covering, construction workers were exposed to asbestos in plaster, cement, drywall joint compound, and other products.
Anyone who removes these materials from an older building is likely to be exposed to asbestos. Much of the original asbestos is still in place in many structures. Indeed, the utility tunnels under Capitol Hill are full of asbestos, so that maintenance workers are required to wear respirators when they work there.
Asbestos was also used as an insulation material on residential boilers, in power plants, and in many automotive components.
Anyone who worked in the construction trades in the District of Columbia was at a risk of asbestos exposure, particularly before the 1980s. If you worked on an older building in the District of Columbia, there is a good chance that you were exposed to asbestos. Jobs that put workers at a known risk of asbestos exposure include:
- Automobile Mechanics
- Boilermakers
- Construction Workers
- Electricians
- HVAC Worker
- Insulators
- Laborers
- Machinists
- Pipefitters
- Plasterers
- Plumber
- Power Plant Workers
- Railroad Workers
- Smelting
- U.S. Navy Veterans
- Welders
The following is a list of some of the Washington, D.C., job sites where there is a documented use of asbestos products. If you or a family member worked at one of these places, you may be at a heightened risk of asbestos disease.
If you believe that you may have been exposed to asbestos at your own job, please contact a mesothelioma attorney for more information. There are many other job sites in Washington, D.C., where asbestos was used.
Buildings and Construction
- AFL-CIO Building
- American University
- Brennan Construction Co.
- Bureau of Engraving
- Bureau of Standards
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Crawford Paving Co.
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Interior
- Department of Labor
- Department of State
- Department of Treasury
- Georgetown University
- IRS Building
- Jefferson High School
- Mayflower Hotel
- Rayburn Office Building
- Shoreham Hotel
- Sibley Hospital
- United States Capitol
Power and Electrical
- Alexandria Powerhouse
- Benning Road Power Plant
- Buzzard Point Powerhouse
- Potomac Electric Co.
- Potomac Light & Power Co.
- Washington Gas & Light Co.
- Welch Water Light & Power
Other Industry
- Atlantic Perlite Co.
- General Liquid Air & Refrigerating Co.
- Pennsylvania Railroad Co.
- Washington Navy Yard
- Washington Steel & Ordnance Co.
Mesothelioma, a deadly cancer of the lining of the lungs and abdomen, is the most serious disease caused by asbestos. Because Washington D.C. had relatively low levels of asbestos use, mesothelioma rates in Washington D.C. are relatively low.
However, these rates are still too high. Mesothelioma has a long latency period, so Washington D.C. residents may develop mesothelioma between 10 and 50 years after their initial exposure to asbestos. Due to this latency period, more mesothelioma deaths are expected in D.C., even though asbestos is seldom used in the District today.
If you are considering filing a lawsuit for mesothelioma, you need to make sure you find a skilled attorney with experience in asbestos litigation. You should also be aware that you have a limited amount of time to file suit after your diagnosis.
We urge you to contact one of our attorneys for a free consultation if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma in Washington D.C. Our experienced team of lawyers and paralegals can help you investigate the sources of your exposure, and determine what companies were responsible.