Enhanced Quality of Life for Mesothelioma Patients a Priority at the IMP

The International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston has already made significant progress in developing new treatments to extend the lives of mesothelioma patients.  Under the leadership of Dr. David Sugarbaker, the specialists at the IMP have pioneered a number of innovative multimodality therapies.  IMP researchers have also collaborated with other institutions to enhance the scientific understanding of mesothelioma.

Quality of Life Issues Addressed by IMP

Just as importantly, the clinicians and researchers at the IMP are working on ways to enhance the quality of life for mesothelioma patients and their families.  Despite all the improvements in treatment, mesothelioma is still a difficult disease, and the treatments themselves can be grueling.   Even with the best care, the disease can take a heavy toll on mesothelioma patients and their loved ones.  Members of the IMP team are well aware of this fact, and are working to find ways to help patients cope with their disease, and to ease the burden on their caregivers.  Some of the concerns raised by patients include fatigue, feeling anxious or afraid, depression, pain and cognitive problems sometimes called “chemo brain”.  A mesothelioma patient will need to find a new balance or equilibrium to his life.  One’s personal goals and needs will change so that quality of life is redefined by the patient as he journeys through his treatment.

Having represented hundreds of mesothelioma clients over the last 32 years, attorney Gary Galiher commends the IMP for making the mesothelioma patient’s quality of life issues an integral part of their multidisciplinary team approach to patient care.

IMP Study Focuses on Mesothelioma Patients’ Quality of Life

In order to take a more focused look at the quality-of-life needs of mesothelioma patients, the IMP has recently reopened a new study which seeks to identify the factors that make the biggest difference in a mesothelioma patient’s quality of life.  The study is being conducted by Alice Kornblith, a senior research scientist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and is funded by the International Mesothelioma Program. Kornblith hopes to enroll up to 400 IMP patients in this effort to compile a database of information about mesothelioma symptoms and quality of life.

The patients who enroll in the study will be asked to complete special questionnaires every three weeks for a period of 36 weeks.  The questionnaires will collect information about their ongoing symptoms, their pain, their physical functioning, and their emotional and psychological concerns.  This will allow researchers to get a better understanding of the factors that affect a patient’s quality of life, and will help them assess the impact of various different treatment regimens on the patient’s overall sense of well-being.
One sub-set of the study will focus on mesothelioma survivors who are cancer-free for one year or more after completing treatment.   According to Kornblith, “Little is known about this group of patients, but as therapy improves and more patients survive longer, it is important to understand how survivors adjust to their disease, how their quality of life is affected, and what supports might be beneficial for them.”

This research will be used at the IMP and other mesothelioma treatment facilities to better address the quality-of-life needs of mesothelioma patients.  Clinicians will be able to use the study’s data to identify the greatest needs of mesothelioma patients, and create new treatment protocols and support services to enhance patients’ health and well-being.

Reflections on Pearl Harbor Anniversary

Yesterday marked the 69th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. There was, of course, the annual Memorial Service at Pearl Harbor and a dedication of a new Arizona Visitors’ Center. But for a day that was proclaimed “to live in infamy,” it seemed to pass with little notice or fanfare. An event that wrought such future havoc on the world and brought about such dramatic changes is for many Americans simply an historical event they have only read about.

Continue reading “Reflections on Pearl Harbor Anniversary”

Asbestos Dust at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard Continues to Stir Controversy

For the past decade, the City of San Francisco has been working with the Lennar Corporation to redevelop the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard (HPNSY) into a new residential community.  Unfortunately, these plans have been mired in controversy due to the presence of toxic asbestos dust and other carcinogenic materials at the former Navy shipyard.  Residents of the surrounding neighborhood fear that they may be exposed to asbestos, PCBs, and other harmful substances as a result of construction activities at the site, and there have been a number of serious protests in opposition to the development.  In 2007, Lennar was even sued by two of  its own former executives, who claimed that the company maintained a “code of silence” to discourage employees from raising questions about potential health violations at the site.
On the other hand, state and city officials have long contended that the project is safe.  Both the California Department of Health and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District investigated the issue in 2007, and found that Lennar was taking adequate steps to protect surrounding residents against the hazards of asbestos.  This finding was confirmed by a draft EPA report obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle on January 5, 2010, which found that Lennar’s dust control program was effectively minimizing the generation of asbestos dust, and limiting asbestos exposure in the surrounding community.

However, many residents are still not convinced.  They point out that Lennar was recently fined over $515,000 for major dust-control violations.  Bay Area air district officials found that Lennar had failed to properly calibrate its dust monitoring equipment, so that the company could not accurately measure the levels of asbestos dust in the air.  Lennar was also cited for failing to maintain wash stations to remove asbestos dust from vehicles leaving the site.

Asbestos At Hunters Point

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, also known as Treasure Island Naval Station-Hunters Point Annex, was a major center for the building, repair, and servicing of Navy vessels from World War II through 1976.  Like every other Navy shipyard during this era, Hunters Point Naval Shipyard contained literally tons of asbestos materials.  Most surface vessels from the 1940s through the 1970s required asbestos insulation on the piping and equipment, as did nuclear-powered submarines.  Hundreds of thousands of workers and Navy veterans were exposed to asbestos at Hunters Point, including many former clients of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman.  Interestingly, Clifford Owen Galiher, the father of our founder Gary Galiher, was stationed at Hunters Point during his military career.

The Navy ceased most operations at Hunters Point in 1976, and the shipyard was listed for closing in 1991.  Unfortunately, asbestos continues to be a serious hazard at the former Navy shipyard.  Although more than 226,000 square feet of asbestos-contaminated materials were removed from the Hunters Point shipyard in 1990, there is still a great deal of asbestos on the site.  In addition, Hunters Point is located on a site where there is naturally-occurring serpentine asbestos in the soil.  As a result, the people who live in the surrounding community are at significant risk of neighborhood exposure to asbestos during construction activities at the site unless dust control measures are strictly followed.

“The House” at the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP): A House, A Home, A Haven

Being diagnosed with mesothelioma is understandably a frightening and stressful time for patients, their families and loved ones.  Besides coping with medical issues and treatment plans, there are a myriad of practical matters to consider.  One of the most pressing issues is deciding what to do about accommodations when it becomes necessary to travel to a medical center in a distant city, especially if for an extended period of time while undergoing testing, surgery, and other treatment and follow-up care.  The cost of hotel rooms, even at special “medical rates,” can mount quickly, especially when the visits are frequent or prolonged.  Dr. David Sugarbaker, the director and founder of the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP), and his entire team have made it part of their mission to address this concern for the patients they treat.

“The House”

There is a wonderful place right across the street from the main entrance to Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) in Boston, Massachusetts, affectionately referred to by mesothelioma patients and their families as “The House.”  It is a haven of sorts, a place where patients and their families can live while they are in Boston undergoing treatment at the International Mesothelioma Program, and they soon find that it offers far more than shelter.

Attorneys from the Galiher law firm recently met with Dr. Sugarbaker and other doctors and researchers at the International Mesothelioma Program and had the opportunity to visit the “Meso House,” as it is fondly referred to by many patients and families.  The house is a Boston triple decker located at 48 Francis Street.  The 4,400 square foot house is owned by the hospital and, after renovation and remodeling, opened in the summer of 2008.  The families of mesothelioma  patients who are undergoing treatment can stay there for a modest donation of $30 per night.  It is expected that they will stay for two weeks or more, before, during, and after mesothelioma surgery.  Gary Galiher had high praise for the house:

“The House is extremely comfortable and convenient for the patients and their families since it is right across the street from the entrance to the hospital.  It is very nicely decorated and has a full kitchen with everything the families need to prepare their meals.  One of our clients has been there for over three weeks now.  He and his wife feel as though it’s a ‘home away from home’ for them.”

Each of the three floors accommodates three families, except the first floor which accommodates two.  Each family has its own fully furnished bedroom.  They share a comfortable living room, as well as a walk-out back deck with table and chairs and a fully equipped kitchen with all major appliances.

The “Instant Support System”

Here families and patients have a chance to meet each other and to share their experiences.  On-site housing coordinator Cristin O’Rourke calls the house “an instant support system.”  Wives get together at the end of the day.  People who are going through the same thing meet, encourage, and support each other.  This is a time that can be lonely and frightening.  Here, some of the burdens are lifted, the load is made lighter, and the sense of isolation is replaced by a sense of connection and shared bonds.

Attorney Gary Galiher found that, “Our client and his wife have become very close to the other families with whom they share the house.  Theirs is a unique experience and one these families and caregivers so intimately understand.  Each family has a sense of what the other is going through and provides a special kind of support.”

Families can take meals together and relax in the living room.  They can retire to the peace and privacy of their quarters for needed rest.  It offers respite for caregivers, who often find that their responsibilities are now 24/7, as they gather at the end of the day, perhaps just to share a moment or two with someone who knows what they are going through.  The journey is a long one, but it need not be taken alone.  They have friends.  People care.  And their medical team is right across the street.  Its team members are part of “The House” too, as its nurses, counselors, chaplains, and social workers cross Francis Street, seeing to the care of their patients and their loved ones.

A Beautiful Home

“The House” is not merely a house, it is a beautiful home for patients and families, many of whom find themselves far away from their own homes in a strange city with very cold winters.  “The House” thus becomes a haven, a place where the emotional support and care of those it shelters is  paramount.  The on-site housing coordinator, Cristin O’Rourke, is there to look after the guests’ needs and to help with their concerns.  Upon arrival, each family is given a “resource packet,” which has helpful information on an array of subjects, including information about the city, transportation, the location of pharmacies, worship, and entertainment.

For reservations, contact social worker Charlene Haouiliya at (617) 732-5500, ext. 32819.

Extreme Drug Resistance (EDR) – International Mesothelioma Program Develops Mesothelioma Treatment Aid

One of the most significant problems in the treatment of malignant mesothelioma is that the tumor can be resistant to many traditional forms of chemotherapy drugs.  This drug resistance varies from patient to patient.  Hence, weeks and even months of chemotherapy treatment could be wasted on a patient with malignant mesothelioma if that person’s tumor is particularly resistant to the type of drug being administered.

The International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts is developing a new treatment aid that may assist physicians in prescribing the most appropriate form of chemotherapy for their mesothelioma patients.  This tool is called the Extreme Drug Resistance (EDR) assay.

Extreme Drug Resistance (EDR) Assay

To do an EDR assay, physicians at Brigham and Women’s Hospital remove a mesothelioma tumor fragment during surgery (extrapleural pneumonectomy or pleurectomy/decortication) and send it to the laboratory of Oncotech, Inc. in Tustin, California.  The cultured tumor is then tested against various chemotherapy drugs that are commonly prescribed for malignant mesothelioma.   Brigham and Women’s Hospital has Oncotech expose the tumor to Cisplatin, Gemcitabine, a combination of Cisplatin and Gemcitabine, and Vinorelbine.  As of now, Alimta, which is a drug frequently used to treat mesothelioma, cannot be used in the EDR assay, but the technical problems associated with Alimta in this test are being worked out, according to Dr. William Richards, Operations Director of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Tissue and Blood Repository.

Oncotech then determines whether the mesothelioma tumor for that particular patient is resistant to each of the chemotherapy drugs or the combination of drugs.  If the EDR assay shows that a cultured tumor is extremely resistant to a particular drug, then there is a 99 percent probability that the tumor in the patient will also be resistant to that drug or drug combination.

Next Step: Clinical Trial Testing

According to Dr. Gavin Gordon, co-director at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Thoracic Surgery Oncology Laboratory, the EDR assay for malignant mesothelioma must still be tested in a clinical trial for it to be approved as part of the treatment protocol.  There are case reports where the predictive value of the EDR assay has shown a very high correlation between the in vitro test and actual drug resistance in the patient.

In a published case report from the Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan, physicians used a test similar to the EDR assay called the collagen gel droplet embedded culture-drug sensitivity test (CD-DST) to identify the correct treatment for malignant pleural mesothelioma in a 63 year old woman.  The CD-DST test showed that the patient’s tumor was particularly sensitive in vitro to Gemcitabine and Vinorelbine.  Based on this result, her physicians selected these chemotherapy agents for her treatment.

The EDR assay test could be an invaluable tool in the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma and peritoneal mesothelioma, diseases that have shown a wide variability in response to different chemotherapy agents.

Mesothelioma Patients Find Comfort at the M. D. Anderson Rotary House International

M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas has a well-deserved reputation for diagnosing and treating patients with rare and aggressive cancers such as malignant mesothelioma.  People frequently travel from across the country to M. D. Anderson for mesothelioma treatment.

Fortunately for these out-of-state patients, there is a full-service hotel which is dedicated to M. D. Anderson patients and their families.  This is the Jessie H. Jones Rotary House International.  While this hotel is managed by Marriott International, it is actually owned by M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Many rooms at the Rotary House

The Rotary House has 322 rooms, all of which have wheelchair access. Seven new executive suites offer 10-foot high ceilings with a private floor and lounge as well as other amenities.  Most of the 322 rooms offer kitchenettes for those who do not wish to dine out for every meal.   Cancer support groups meet regularly at the Rotary House and are conducted both informally and formally.

The Rotary House provides many benefits for mesothelioma patients and their families.  First, because the Rotary House is dedicated to M. D. Anderson patients, the cancer center itself can help with a patient’s bookings.  Second, there is a spirit of camaraderie among the many patients and their family members, who all can understand and relate to each others’ medical situations.  Third, the Rotary House actually provides entertainment for the patients and their caregivers, whether it’s salsa dancers, musicians, or St. Patrick’s Day parties.

A Walk Away in the Best Place to Stay

The Rotary House is merely a walkway away from the M. D. Anderson Clinics and Hospital.  Thus, there is no more convenient place in which to stay if you are an outpatient at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.  There is no extra charge for parking and there are a variety of restaurants and shops within the Rotary House.  Most importantly, however, cancer patients are almost guaranteed to have an instant support system with the other “house guests”.  A number of clients of the law firm of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman have gone to  M. D. Anderson for mesothelioma treatment and therapy.

Ilana Waxman, managing partner of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman, said,”“When a person has been diagnosed with any cancer, but especially a cancer with a difficult prognosis such as malignant mesothelioma, quality of life is crucial.  Even with this diagnosis, you still have many options, including the choice of your medical team and where you will live during your medical treatment.  Finding accommodations that provide an instant support mechanism have been crucial to our clients.  As the treatment options become greater and more widely available, patients with mesothelioma can take back control of their lives from this disease.”

New Mesothelioma Guidelines for Clinical Practice Will Mean Better Care

Although the disease malignant pleural mesothelioma has been known and treated for decades, especially among shipyard workers and U. S. Navy veterans, pleural mesothelioma practice guidelines were first presented only recently, in March 2010, by Dr. Lee Krug, director of the Mesothelioma Program at Memorial Sloan-Kettering at the annual meeting of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).  The Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma practice guidelines encompass diagnosis and evaluation, treatment for the various stages of mesothelioma, chemotherapy, surgery and radiation therapy.  These guidelines serve as a practical outline for physicians faced with diagnosing and treating a patient with pleural mesothelioma.  The guidelines were developed through the collaborative effort of the NCCN Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma panel members.  The National Comprehensive Cancer Network is a nonprofit alliance comprised of more than 20 of the leading cancer treatment centers across the country.

Mesothelioma Surgery as a Viable Option

Dr. Krug in his presentation discussed surgery as an option for treating malignant pleural mesothelioma.  There are two types of surgeries; one is the decortication or pleurectomy and the other is the more aggressive approach which is the extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP).  The extrapleural pneumonectomy involves resecting the pleura, the lung and the diaphragm.  This is a major surgery and should be performed by skilled surgeons, he remarked.  Dr. Krug indicated that the extrapleural pneumonectomy should be considered for patients with early stage mesothelioma.  He indicated there is a fair amount of controversy in the medical community about its use.

At the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, one of the member institutions of the NCCN, Dr. David Sugarbaker regularly and skillfully performs both surgeries with some remarkable results.

Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy Necessary for Mesothelioma

The guidelines indicate that the first line chemotherapy regimen is pemetrexed (Alimta) combined with Cisplatin.  Even with surgery, both chemotherapy and radiation therapy are recommended.  Carboplatin can also be used in place of Cisplatin.  Use of other drugs such as Gemcitabine and Vinorelbine can be prescribed as well.  Chemotherapy and radiation are necessary to prevent relapse and to treat the cancer cells that are microscopic and are present even after surgery.

Mesothelioma Guidelines Will Improve Treatment

The oncology practice guidelines are a result of evidence based research and are the consensus of the malignant mesothelioma panel of NCCN.  Thirty-five oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists and hematology oncologists participated on the panel and worked on the guidelines.  The guidelines are now available for practicing physicians, but of course each physician will use his or her best independent medical judgment to decide how to treat and care for a mesothelioma patient.

These unprecedented malignant pleural mesothelioma guidelines take medical care a big step forward in standardizing and improving the treatment, prognosis and quality of life for a person being diagnosed with mesothelioma today.  Attorney Richard DeRobertis of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman, which has represented mesothelioma clients for over 30 years, applauds and commends the work of the many physicians and scientists in their clinics, hospitals and laboratories, “It is their hard work and years of experience that enabled the NCCN to develop these new clinical practice guidelines for malignant pleural mesothelioma.

Outstanding Mesothelioma Treatment Facilities For Patients to Evaluate

When patients receive a diagnosis of mesothelioma, it is important that they immediately investigate and evaluate the many outstanding mesothelioma treatment centers located throughout the country.  The law firm of Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman has been helping victims of mesothelioma and other illnesses caused by exposure to asbestos for over 30 years.  Over this time, we have observed an evolution of treatment for mesothelioma patients and have come to see that there are many excellent institutions and cancer centers that have made great progress in advancing treatments.  Attorney Gary Galiher remarked, “These facilities have helped many of our mesothelioma clients live longer, healthier lives, and they are continually conducting research to help bring us closer to a cure.”  Too numerous to name all of them, below is a small sampling of the many mesothelioma treatment centers that patients should consider.

City of Hope

The state-of-the-art City of Hope facilities are located in Duarte, California, on acres of beautifully landscaped gardens.  At the City of Hope, compassionate patient care is the objective.  Here, ideas and breakthrough discoveries turn into emerging new therapies of tomorrow.  The City of Hope is one of the 40 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

M. D. Anderson is also one of the 40 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.  Its slogan is “Making Cancer History.”  M. D. Anderson sits in the middle of the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas.  It has treated over 800,000 patients since 1944, using a multidisciplinary approach that includes immunotherapy, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.  Because its experts focus in the treatment of cancer, M. D. Anderson is well-known for the ability to treat all types of cancer, including rare and uncommon cancers such as mesothelioma.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has a team of specialists, including surgeons, medical oncologists, scientists, radiation oncologists, and pathologists, who aim to provide “experienced, up-to-date, and thoughtful care” of mesothelioma patients.

Sloan-Kettering offers its patients and their families a wide base of support ranging from clinical trials, to symptom management and even cosmetic education that help patients cope with the effects of mesothelioma.  Sloan-Kettering is one of the 40 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.

The International Mesothelioma Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital

The International Mesothelioma Program (IMP) is located in Boston at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, which together  with the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute has combined resources to provide comprehensive care to mesothelioma patients.

Dr. David Sugarbaker, M.D., is the founder and director of the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP)  and is the Chief of Thoracic Surgery.  The IMP focuses on the treatment and cure of mesothelioma, and it currently consults with over 300 mesothelioma patients annually and treats over 180 of these patients.   It is the largest program of its kind.

Dana-Farber is another of the 40 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.  It has been dedicated to helping cancer patients since 1947.  It specializes exclusively in cancer research, care and treatment.  It aims to provide its patients with compassionate care while advancing the diagnosis, treatments, and prevention of cancer and related diseases.  Outpatient care of mesothelioma patients at Brigham and Women’s Hospital usually takes place at Dana-Farber.

Mayo Clinic

For decades, the Mayo Clinic has been dedicated to the treatment of complex illnesses, such as those caused by asbestos exposure.  It is one of the 40 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.  Mayo Clinic employs over 3,000 physicians, scientists and researchers, and offers hospital services in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

Many patients with mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are treated at the Mayo Clinic.  The Mayo Clinic’s philosophy is “the needs of the patient come first.”

Galiher DeRobertis & Waxman Supports Treatment for Mesothelioma Patients

Over the many years of representing mesothelioma patients, we have forged strong bonds with our clients and their families.  We are aware of the devastating physical, emotional and financial consequences this disease has for patients and their friends and families.  Through our work, we have had the opportunity to interact with the researchers and the treating medical professionals of these great institutions, and we are encouraged by their dedication and unwavering commitment to helping their patients and our clients live richer and longer lives.  These professionals and outstanding treatment and research facilities continue to provide us with hope that one day we will find a cure for mesothelioma.

Patient Navigators Support Mesothelioma Patients

Being diagnosed with cancer is always a devastating experience, and a mesothelioma diagnosis may be particularly overwhelming for both the patient as well as his family.  Often after hearing the diagnosis from the physician, the mesothelioma patient and his family understandably do not really hear much else.

Mesothelioma is aggressive and a multimodality approach (meaning surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) is often recommended as the course of treatment.  As a result, a patient necessarily has appointments with an oncologist, a radiation oncologist, a surgeon, a cardiologist, a pulmonologist, at imaging, at nuclear medicine and with other specialists and departments.

In order to find one’s way through this seemingly complex medical maze, forward thinking medical centers today have on staff patient navigators to assist mesothelioma patients and others facing a cancer diagnosis.  A patient navigator is a professional with medical training, sometimes as a nurse or a medical assistant.

First and foremost, the patient navigator will meet with the patient and be there to help.  She will help schedule appointments.  She will try to set appointments as conveniently as possible, perhaps limiting the number of days that a mesothelioma patient has to go to the medical center or the hospital.  The navigator also meets with the patient’s team to discuss the plan for care and treatment, as well as progress and difficulties that may develop along the way.

If there seems to be a conflict between prescriptions or if instructions are unclear, the navigator will help to straighten out the situation and provide clarity for the patient.  The patient navigator’s job is to alleviate much of the stress and concern that a patient and his family may feel when trying to navigate the system themselves. The navigator helps to ensure that the patient does not feel alone in this process.
A mesothelioma patient’s needs go beyond medical tests and treatment.  An effective patient navigator will assist with issues involving medical insurance, financial assistance, nutrition and with psychosocial problems.  When the need arises, palliative care suggestions can be provided.  Sometimes the navigator will suggest an appropriate support group.

One example of a state of the art patient navigation system is available at Queen’s Cancer Center in Honolulu, Hawai‘i.  An award winning and innovative program, the Queen’s Patient Navigation Program helps patients wind their way through their medical treatment, and transition from inpatient to outpatient care when necessary.  The result for the patient is improved medical care, more focus on quality of life and an overall better experience for the patient at an incredibly difficult time.

Patient Praises Dr. David Sugarbaker as “The Man” at the International Mesothelioma Program

by Gary Galiher, Attorney

Dr. David Sugarbaker is a mere mortal, but to hear his patients talk about him, you might conclude otherwise.  Dr. Sugarbaker is the director and founder of the International Mesothelioma Program (IMP), a unique program at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston that is dedicated to the treatment and ultimately finding a cure for mesothelioma, a devastating cancer in the lining of the lungs or abdomen.

Many patients find their way to Dr. Sugarbaker and his team at the International Mesothelioma Program after being given a grim prognosis by their own doctor.  But Dr. Sugarbaker has designed a unique program that offers state-of-the-art treatment with the goal of improving and extending patients’ lives.  The real goal, however, is to find a cure for mesothelioma.  Dr. Sugarbaker gives his patients hope where others had given none.  It is no surprise that so many of his patients revere him, and it is no wonder that one of our clients who was recently operated on by Dr. Sugarbaker simply calls him “The Man.”

Patients Hold Dr. Sugarbaker in Highest Esteem

Our client went to the International Mesothelioma Program after hearing from his own doctors that Dr. Sugarbaker offered the best treatment available.  Our client told his friends that it was not until he spoke to a doctor at the IMP that he heard the word “survivability” in relation to his cancer.  Dr. Sugarbaker’s treatment offers hope to patients like our client who had been given very stark and grim news about his condition.

Once at the International Mesothelioma Program, our client met Dr. Sugarbaker who evaluated his case to determine if he was a candidate for the cutting edge surgical treatment protocol that Dr. Sugarbaker himself has pioneered.  After many tests and consultations, Dr. Sugarbaker concluded surgery was the appropriate treatment for our client.  Our client told his friends that he met “The Man, the program’s director, Dr. David Sugarbaker ” and went on to add…”and by the way HE IS THE WORLD’S  BEST” – his own emphasis.  Our client underwent surgery just a few weeks ago and is recovering with a degree of hope that did not exist when he first learned of his mesothelioma diagnosis.  It is easy to see why he considers Dr. Sugarbaker “The Man.”

Who Is Dr. David Sugarbaker?

David Sugarbaker is a surgeon and the Chief of Thoracic Surgery at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.  In the early 1980s, this hospital began seeing a significant number of mesothelioma cases that were developing decades after patients had been exposed to asbestos.  Given the extensive use of asbestos in the shipbuilding industry which at one time employed thousands in the New England area, it was understandable why there was a high incidence of this cancer in New England.  Dr. Sugarbaker brought the treatment of mesothelioma to the forefront of the Thoracic Surgery Division once he became its Chief.  Under his direction, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital began to develop an expertise in the surgical treatment and chemotherapy protocols related to this disease.

As the number of mesothelioma patients coming to the Brigham and Women’s Hospital continued to increase, the number of doctors and staff dedicated to the treatment of this disease also began to grow.  In 2002, Dr. Sugarbaker had the initiative to set up a multidisciplinary program dedicated solely to mesothelioma.  The International Mesothelioma Program was born.

The International Mesothelioma Program

There is no doubt that the International Mesothelioma Program is Dr. Sugarbaker’s “baby.”  Not only has he been key in the development of the IMP’s surgical treatment options and cutting edge chemotherapy protocols, but his vision and strategic partnering has allowed the program to expand to includes doctors and researchers from across the field of medicine, all focused on finding better treatment options and ultimately a cure for mesothelioma.

Dr.  Sugarbaker’s vision for his program included not only state-of-the-art treatment, but also an environment where patients and their families receive the supportive care needed for those facing a disease like mesothelioma.  The support team that Dr. Sugarbaker has brought together includes a social worker and two chaplains who explain the array of services available to the patients and their families and help them through the process from the introductory patient orientation meeting to the day the patient heads back home.  Soon our client will be heading back home, having benefited from the vision, commitment and dedication of  “The Man.”